Sacred Bodywork

Sacred Bodywork


..does it include an Eternal quality? What are the clues & triggers the Universe sends you to Remember? Feel into them from the place of Eternal time, from the Oneness of your Infinite Self. Allow yourself to feel into  your connection to All that Is ” ~Debra Kelly ۞

True healing is a sacred art form in which both the giver and receiver benefit.

In this Sacred Exchange and Expression my instruments are Intention, Breath, Sound, Light, Crystal Frequency and Touch. Every session is tailored to the Individual. There is a magic that happens in Surrender. I don’t prefer to call myself a healer, I think a “Healing Conduit” would be more accurate. I simply allow Universal Life Force to guide the Way into Healing explorations that go beyond our Earthly Physical awareness into the unseen Dimensions. The Mind Clears, the Heart Opens and you enter the Realm of your Spiritual Body. Experience Multidimensional healing frequencies Within, to create new patterns for living. True Healing comes from Awareness, Within our hearts we find the answers, Awakening to the Inner Healer. I am Debra Kelly and I am looking forward to assist you on your Journey.

LMT #MA18920