Vibrational Energy Medicine

Vibrational Energy Medicine


Vibrational healing is the way of the future

Journey Into the Vibrational Realms … Behind the Blue Curtain of the Subconscious mind….Bathe in this Temple of Sacred Sound, Scent, Crystals, Color and Light… Allow the Heart of your Soul to Journey to the Depths of your Being and Beyond….Straight to the

Blueprint of your DNA Coding

In Truth everything is Vibration & We are in relationship with every aspect of life,most importantly ~ with Ourselves.The energy flowing within us and around us responds to our thoughts, feelings and emotions. Gaining self awareness and understanding of our connectedness to all of life is one of our most powerful tools of transformation.

This Session is designed to get you Aligned, Centered and in Touch with your Sacred Life Force…Which supports the process of gently uncovering unconscious elements.Awakening to your Inner Healer accesses your human energy field to assist in clearing blocks and unconscious patterns on the mental, emotional,spiritual and physical levels of our being.

Every human being has a life force of energy which flows through them. The energy that exists within the physical body courses through pathways called meridians and chakras. Having balanced chakras and bio-chemical pathways is not only vital, but necessary for restoring proper energy Flow and health to the Body, Mind, and Soul.

A Message from Debra

Sound and Light have played the most influential part in the Awakening of my Path as a Medicine Woman, it carries a code and language that I understand from an instinctual level beyond logic. Quite often people arrive for a session, at their last rope per say, having tried most everything. From the place of Surrender, the Mind finally moves out of the way and the Magic of the Universal flows through. If I were to define what takes place I would say “It is an agreement between our higher selves, Co-created from Intention”, so as not to limit it’s potential. Experience Multidimensional healing frequencies Within, to create new patterns for living. True Healing comes from Awareness, Within our hearts we find the answers, Awakening to the Inner Healer. I am Debra Kelly and I am looking forward to assist you on this Vibrational Journey.

Hopi Prophecy

At the present time the Hopi Prophecy speaks of the “Coming of the Rainbow People”, through the Keepers of the Crystal Bowls. This ancient wisdom has emerged to heal and raise the consciousness of the universe through pure crystal tone. Edgar Cayce predicted pure tones would be used for healing before the end of the 20th century. Nostradamus foretold the healing of disease through pure tone. He sometimes used a Singing Bowl filled with water for scrying, upon which he based his predictions.

Cultural Uses of Sound Healing

Many cultures recognize the importance of music and sound as a healing power. In the ancient civilizations of India, the Orient, Africa, Europe and among the Aboriginals and Native Americans, the practice of using sound to heal and achieve balance from within has existed for thousands of years. The Tibetans still use bells, chimes, bowls, and chanting as the foundation of their spiritual practice. In Bali, Indonesia, the echoing gamelang, gong, and drum are used in ceremonies to uplift and send messages. The Australian Aboriginals and Native American shamans use vocal toning and repetitive sound vibration with instruments created from nature in sacred ceremony to adjust any imbalance of the spirit, emotions or physical being. The Priests of ancient Egypt knew how to use vowel sounds to resonate their energy centers or chakras. There is a direct link between different parts of the body and specific sounds. Such a technique appears extremely old, yet healing through sound goes back even further-at least as far back as Atlantis where the power of sound was combined with the power of crystal.

Co-Creating through Sound and Intention

Much of knowledge of matter upon our planet has been forgotten. In the later Mystery Schools, the last 2000 to 5000 years, there was but a fragmentation of the real understanding and the power of sub–particle (sub atomic) physics. In more ancient times it was understood that part of the law of manifestation, part of the laws of creation had to do with the sub-particles which were ruled by consciousness, which were ruled by thought.

Sound is one of the purest means to transmit intelligence at this phase of our development. Frequency carries intelligence which can not be accessed through the logical mind. Certain combinations played through the human body unlock information, unlock frequencies of intelligence, allowing the evolution of our being. Sound utilized in many different ways creates all kinds of alterations in consciousness and healing amongst individuals. Breathing, movement, music, releasing sound, harmonics are ways of utilizing this energy. On an atomic level, every atom has primordial sound. Every atom is constantly toning itself into existence, into connection.

The pure tone of crystal bowls produces a vibrational sound field which resonates the light body chakra and corresponding physical area. A series of pure crystal tone therapy, facilitates Harmony and Balance within the Mind, Body, Spirit and Emotions of each receiver.

Clear quartz contains the full spectrum of light that is related to the seven energy centers (chakras) and brings pure light through sound as specific color back into the human aura. The effect is multiplied as the crystal bowls are played. Crystal acts as an oscillator, magnifying, and transmitting pure tone. This is why pure silicon crystal is used in all of our most advanced telecommunication systems. Like a powerful radio transmitter, the crystal bowls transmit energy into the atmosphere, filling a person’s aura with vibrational radiance which translates into the seven main colors of the rainbow. Through the pure crystal tones as the sound effects brain wave activity one can travel into an altered state of consciousness . As different parts of the brain are affected, different hormones and neurochemicals are released.

Quartz crystal Sound holds the vibration of white light which ultimately refracts into the rainbow and acts directly on our chakra’s when played. It has the power to bring about a positive shift in our consciousness and as our awareness expands, we remember and reconnect with the Truth of Our Being. Crystal is able to maintain the balance of electromagnetic energies between the north and south poles. It is extremely accurate and consequently the foundation of timekeeping systems in all our contemporary watches is quartz crystal. The same electromagnetic field exists within all forms of Clear quartz which integrates the balance of our own electromagnetic energies.

What are Chakras?

awakening the chakras

As the universe is composed of spinning wheels of energy, we too, at the inner core, spin seven wheel-like energy centers called chakras. They are measurable patterns of electromagnetic activity, centers for the reception, assimilation and transmission of life energies. Each chakra reflects essential aspects of consciousness, forming the master programs that govern our lives, loves, learning and illumination. Chakras can be open, closed or any of the various stages in between. These states may be basic aspects of someone’s personality throughout most of their life, or something that changes from moment to moment, in response to a situation. An ailing chakra may be unable to change its state easily, being “stuck” in either an open or a closed state. Then the chakra needs healing, by uncovering and removing whatever is blocking it.

The seven major chakras are all inseparably interrelated. A block in the functioning of one chakra may affect the activity of the one above or below it. For example, one may have trouble with personal power (third chakra) because of a block in communication (fifth chakra) or vice versa. Or perhaps the real problem may lie in their heart (fourth chakra) and only manifests in these other areas because it is buried so deeply. Color is visible sound, and sound is auditory color. Both light and sound affect the chakras, especially when used in conjunction. Each of the energy centers is associated with a specific tone of the musical scale and with a specific color. Red, the color that vibrates the slowest, corresponds to the root chakra. The colors follow a rainbow progression, with violet as the highest vibration, corresponding with the crown chakra.

Following is a simple correspondence chart of chakras, colors and notes.
